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Sunday, December 2, 2012

a little gift

i found a little gift today.
actually not a little gift at all.
a wonderful gift, right on the page where i've read it and missed it dozens of times before.

a few posts ago, i talked about the time Jesus asked me to forgive someone as if i was forgiving Him.  this idea showed up again in my reading today: 'rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man' (ephesians 6:7).

but the next verse was a surprise.  a gift.

'knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord ...' (ephesians 6:8).

we get it back?

the service ... all the good we do to Him, He gives back to us.

think of the good things you've done lately.  maybe you gave til it hurt?  maybe you bit your tongue instead of lashing out?  maybe you poured your busy hour out in prayer for a friend?

guess what?

you get it back!

and not just in kind - but from the Lord Himself.

yes, my greedy, thankful heart!  
whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord.

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